Our Company
In 1961, Jan and An van Asseldonk started farming mushrooms.

In 1983 Peter started working for the farm
In 1988 Peter and Dianne took over the farm.

In 1995 the first 3 new cultivation cells of the company were built, this allowed Van Asseldonk Champignons to start supplying Champi'mer (frozen mushrooms).

In 1997, 6 more cells were added extending the 3 existing cells in the process.

1999 - 2005
In 1999 a new company home was added to the premises
In 2002 the layout of the cells was adjusted from 5 racks to 7 racks high and the beds were also widened.
In 2003 a total of 6 more cells were added taking the company to 12 cells.
In 2005 another 4 cells were added on the left-hand side, the company had grown to 16 cells.
In 2007 another 4 more cells and a harvest-hall were added to the right-hand side, the existing 16 cells were also extended and the company meaning the company now consists of 20 cells.

In 2012 Michelle started to work for the family business.

In 2013 Hannes also came to work for the company.

An & Jan van Asseldonk
Michelle, Hannes, Peter & Dianne van Asseldonk

2015 - 2016
In 2015 we bought new premises.
In 2016 we added 8 more cells to the existing 8 on site taking the total there to 16 cultivation cells.

In 2017 Willy Nabuurs joined the team. He is responsible for all work at Mutshoek 8; our other site.

In 2019 we purchased a third location “Broekveld”.